Sexual addiction is best described as a progressive intimacy
disorder characterized by compulsive sexual thoughts and acts.
Individuals who suffer from this disorder distance themselves from
others through multiple sexual conquests, pornography, compulsive sexual
behaviors, and other activities that create a wedge between them and
their loved ones, their work, their friends, and anyone else who may
find out who they truly are.
At its core, sex addiction is used as the primary or even exclusive
method for coping with untreated trauma, unpleasant or disturbing
feelings, ideas, conflicts and stresses, to the point where compulsive
sex may become almost the only way the individual can relate to or
connect with others. Those who suffer from sex addiction tend to
organize their world around sex and live in fear that someone will get
to know the “real” person inside them—the vulnerable, wounded, fearful
Only when a sex addict’s dysfunctional behaviors begin to
negatively impact them and their loved ones are they willing to admit
they need help combating their issues. Often these individuals will
reach out to a professional for help in understanding what they are
struggling with. Initially, they may seek out one of the many intensive
treatment programs available in order to jump-start the recovery
process. These individuals have usually broken through a major portion
of the denial that accompanies sexual addiction by the time they seek
For sex addicts with a high motivation to change, a short-term,
intensive program feeds into that imperative to change with an intensity
that parallels the addiction. Treatment programs with a short length of
stay—28-30 days—market themselves as a quick fix to develop the skills
and tools needed to prevent relapse, or eliminate all sexual acting out
behavior. This “quick fix” approach is very appealing to many sex
addicts who are anxious to move on with their life. However, when you
consider that it likely took years of acting out behaviors in addition
to intimacy issues and early attachment problems to get to the breaking
point, a short-term or outpatient treatment approach to recovery seems
Evidence shows that only time heals the scars and shame of sexual
addiction. Additionally, a program offering a longer length of stay
allows more time to work on underlying core issues and co-occurring
disorders which many sexually compulsive individuals often struggle
Sexual Addiction Treatment
Sexual compulsivity is a treatable problem. Unlike drug or alcohol
treatment, the goal of sexual addiction treatment is not lifelong
abstinence, but rather a termination of compulsive, unhealthy sexual
behavior. Overcoming this disorder involves a period of self-imposed
abstinence, requiring a longer treatment process than a typical
addiction program might offer.
Gentle Path at The Meadows believes that recovery from sex addiction
is different for each patient, and for many, a more intensive level of
treatment is needed. For these men, we offer a 45-day minimum length of
stay treatment program designed to effectively address the sex addiction
and uncover the underlying cause of the dysfunctional behavior. Our
experience has shown, over and over again, that individuals who come to
us for treatment enter the worst stage of their withdrawal from their
sexual addictive behaviors and acting out patterns between the
fourteenth and eighteenth day of sobriety. It is during this time that
risk of relapse and the desire to return to old behaviors is the highest
which inhibits the core treatment process. Our length of stay allows
patients to work through the early stages of recovery and progress to
meaningful treatment. 

Gentle Path at The Meadows’ treatment program was designed
specifically to allow adequate time for our patients to experience the
full benefit of Dr. Patrick Carnes’ groundbreaking Thirty-Task model
which has been empirically validated to be an effective form of
treatment for sexually compulsive behavior. Dr. Carnes founded Gentle
Path at The Meadows and personally sees each patient during their
treatment; another benefit of our length of stay.
Recovery tools can be taught, but reinforcement comes with immersion
which is why length of time in treatment usually determines the
patient’s success. Individuals who attend, fully engage in, and complete
a longer length of stay program, show marked improvement both during
and after treatment. They also show an increased ability to bond with
their families and the recovery community outside of treatment. The goal
of longer-term programs is not to address only the behaviors, but to
lead the patients to a change in lifestyle which creates long-term,
successful recovery.
Additionally, Gentle Path at The Meadows was specifically designed
for men only. We believe that treating sex addicts in a single gender
environment allows them to fully engage in treatment. Whereas, in mixed
gender programs, both male and female sex addicts may never be removed
fully from the object of their desire long enough to fully enter sexual
sobriety. This safe setting promotes bonding as patients start to
develop the intimacy that has been missing in their lives.
Contact Us Today
Every journey begins with one step. To learn more about the Gentle
Path at The Meadows or if you have an immediate need, please call 866-400-1101.
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