By Heidi Kinsella, MA, LMHCA, NCC, ASAT
Family Counselor, Gentle Path at The Meadows
Family Counselor, Gentle Path at The Meadows
You find out that your husband has been having sex outside of your
marriage. This has been going on for a while; you feel sick and like
you’ve been run over by a truck. If this betrayal wasn’t bad enough, his
elaborate lies and storytelling have left you doubting yourself. There
are moments when you feel crazy. Even though he has been caught, he
continues to lie! Unbelievable!! How is this possible? You are angry,
betrayed, tired, and just want the craziness to stop! You say to
yourself, “Even if I could forgive the affairs, I can’t live with the
lying!!! Why doesn’t he understand that???”
I have heard this story over and over again while working with
partners of sex addicts. Unfortunately, I have also lived this nightmare
in my own life as part of my own journey which brought me into this
Why the lies and can they stop through recovery?
As sex addiction develops, the addict learns to compartmentalize his
life. He has his life with his wife, family, friends, and work; that
life is real. He loves his wife and kids and enjoys spending time with
friends. The problem is, he has another life that has been made
completely separate from his life with you. It is the life of his sex
This separate life is secret, and it must stay that way in order to
protect his addiction. If anyone found out about his behaviors, his
addiction would be threatened; if he were made to stop, he would feel as
if he would die. He needs this behavior to live, yet the behavior is
hurting him.
He feels so much shame for what he is doing, but yet, he can’t stop…
He just keeps on going despite the shame, the pain, and the
consequences. So, he creates a web of lies to protect the addiction
which become an integral part of his addiction. The lies roll out of his
mouth before he even realizes he is lying. He has become a master at
Living with this aspect of sex addiction is confusing and very
painful. Sex addicts are so good at lying that they can convince you
that the sky is not blue and that you are crazy for thinking it is. We
call this “crazy-making”, and it is. It leads us to feel crazy and doubt
our sanity.
How do we address this at Gentle Path at The Meadows?
At Gentle Path at The Meadows, we shine a light on the addicts’
secrets and have them talk about the behaviors they thought they would
take to their grave. When you talk about these things, it takes away the
shame and allows the addiction to come out into the light where the
healing can begin.
We realize our patients have created a secret life and lie to protect
themselves, and we call them out on it. We push them to tell the truth
and teach them that staying sexually sober and telling the truth are
critical to earning the trust of their loved ones. They must tell the
truth, no matter what. We teach them that they need to do what they say
they are going to do – period. We let them know that sometimes the
addict can stay sober sexually, but his marriage may still end because
he can’t quit lying. Learning to tell the truth MUST be part of the
recovery process.
I had a client once who promised not to deposit any checks without
his wife present. A check came in the mail for $5.00, and he figured it
would be okay to deposit it since it was such a small amount. Of course,
when his wife found out about the deposit, she was livid because if he
couldn’t be trusted on small matters, how could he be trusted on large
matters? She was right. He needed to learn to honor his word in all
The big question is: “How long does it take for my husband to quit lying?”
This question is difficult to answer because each addict’s process is
slightly different. For some addicts, the lying flies off their tongues
before they realize it. These individuals find themselves saying that
they are at the grocery store when they are at an auto part store when
they feel it doesn’t matter where they are. They will need to learn to
know themselves and when they are about to lie, so they can stop
themselves before it happens.
We teach strategies at Gentle Path at The Meadows, so our patients
know when they are about to lie. With these skills, they are able to
make the choice to tell the truth or to catch themselves quickly and
correct the lie by saying, “I am sorry; that was a lie. I was at the
auto part store.” Other addicts will catch themselves later in the day
and then fess-up. We teach them the importance of coming clean about the
lie, despite the consequence. If sex addicts are to stay sober, and if
they are to earn their loved ones’ trust back, they must learn to tell
the truth.
Contact Us Today
Every journey begins with one step. To learn more about the Gentle Path at The Meadows or if you have an immediate need, please call 855-333-6076.